
“The whole essence of humanitarian work originated from working women”

Each year on August 19th, we celebrate those courageous, hardworking humanitarian workers who dedicate their lives to helping people affected by crises around the world. This year’s theme focuses on the strong women working in the field.

“The whole essence of humanitarian work originated from working women,” says Aysha one of Action Against Hunger’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Hygiene Promoters working at Azraq Camp here in Jordan. She has been a humanitarian worker for eight years.

Aysha works with refugee women, raising awareness on water conservation as well as giving them tips on hygiene practices while living in the refugee camp. “Here in the camp, we have women who have transformed from stay-at-home women to working women trying to catch every opportunity that passes their way just so they can provide a better life for their children.”

Throughout her three years with Action Against Hunger, she has grown personally and professionally through her work with the refugee women. “I used to be a quiet person who would not talk much and had few interactions with people,” Aysha explained. “After I started working in the refugee camp, my personality flourished and I would talk, laugh, and engage more with the refugee women.” She added with a smile.

Aysha applauds Action Against Hunger for its evidence on supporting gender equality in the humanitarian field in all of its active bases around Jordan. She believes that women are more fit for the jobs at the camp as they are working with other refugee women and says that, “there are more women working in the camp, but it would be better if there were more women encouraged to work in the field.”

You can refer to the original article on Action Against Hunger Spain website by clicking here.

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